Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

3 month old baby cough

Traditional medicine is a lot of benefits for humans, but its processes are naturally strengthen the body's immune, can also be obtained by Mudan and cheap. Here's one way of recording cough and colds naturally:
Grate the onion, add the oil Telon, and then smeared on the back until the buttocks with a bit sorted. Also the navel and the crown. For the herb drink: coconut water one cup plus 1 teaspoon honey, mix well, then steamed. Once cool, give children as much as 3 teaspoons every 2 hours. This herb is given to infants 8 months or older. When children under the age of 8 months, simply by breastfeeding or mother who drinks the potion.

In adults can use to drink a concoction of honey and saffron water. Half to one segment of the clean turmeric fingers burned, scraped peel, grated, boiled water and then given a 1/2 cup, squeeze, and then deposited. Mix together the saffron water with no sediment with beaten egg 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey, then fed on the body. This herb can be used for lowering the heat as the chicken pox, flu, or whatever.

The use of antibiotics should be avoided because of the potential to kill and weaken the body's immune. Besides colds can also be caused by allergies, identify alergan well, and also boost the immune system by eating a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Using sambiloto also quite effective for relieving chronic runny nose